TiMALU ACADEMY. Wisdom Academy for your Cosmic Soul. Co-creating a Multiversal Planetary Mission

A Multidimensional Academy Supporting Your Journey of Ascension.

Discover the potential of your Multidimensional Soul.
Remember your Cosmic Legacy - Your Avatar Self
Vibrate the New Human DNA 12+1(13) dUr-Rna.

“Surrender to the unknown because it’s only there that the truly new can evolve” Ela Ane Amanea (multiversal group of consciousness)

Hero Image

Futuristic Cosmic Tools, Events, and Series to bring Your Avatar iSelf to Life.


Starseeds looking for your cosmic pack

Consciousness co-creators at service on Earth with GAIA

Light Beings with a cosmic lineage

Remember Your Cosmic Soul!
the timalu ONENESS effect 12+1(13)

Follow Your Intuition.
Listen to Your Inner Voice.
Feel within...
...and choose below one of the following option to start your UNIQUE Journey of Ascension TIMALU style.

Be a conscious CO-CREATOR of the planetary mission, beyond the impossible.

Co-create a New Humanity a New World.

Do you feel the call?
→Follow this link←

Enjoy Your UNIQUE Journey of Ascension, step by step.

Gather more pieces of your Cosmic Soul.

Are you ready?
→Follow this link←

The Cosmic Bio-Molecular Foundation, from the center of creation

Get to know the aKhu•na technology.

Are your curious?
→Follow this link←

You can navigate on your terms, there are infinite possibilities

Choose from the Multi-D options.

My recommendation on where to start!
→Follow this link←

Cosmic akhu•na jewels...
to enjoy at home in the quantum space, a.k.a. always in the now. , and in the…

... ... upcoming Events online and on-site.

I am inviting you to support any kind of Bee Organization to support the lives of the Bees around the World.

Let's support beekeeping so we can spread dUr-Rna throughout all continents

The melipona bee is a species without sting, in danger of extinction. The relationship between the melipona bee and the Mayan people dates back to millenary times. The Mayans consider them a gift from the gods. Groups of indigenous women, guardians of this bee, are dedicated to their daily care, protection and reproduction.

Support these women to have an income for the welfare of their families and the bees.