[Umi Na uLa] 

n1.The New Human 2. New Humanity 3. New Planetary Reality 4. New Universe.


n 1. You, in an intimate, conscious and cosmic relationship with your Soul.


1. Transmission of specific iEnergy to harmonize your iSelf in order to cleanse, transform and either awake dormant frequencies or integrate new ones.

I "Knew" after the December Solstice 2019 new frequencies were going to enter our Planet. Frequencies that have never been on earth before.

My cosmic team has told me, I had being feeling  it, there was a sense of  "Knowingness" in the Field... but even then, when they started to arrived, I was totally blown away.

I said... WOWWWWWW these frequencies, vibrations & consciousness are truly new :-)

In January & February 2019 at the monthly iReunions: The Cosmic Support for the New Human & the B-Hive Journey of iEvolution; we were given tree amazing iActivations to support the process and integration of these new frequencies as part of the personal and collective iEvolution.

Ela Ane Amanea (My cosmic Team) recommended to put these available for anyone who resonates and wants to have a great iTool for the next months and years to come... this is just the beginning.

I really believe we have now a great potential to become a New Human.

Can you feel it?

The Aid Kit for the New Human helps to create more space in your whole system by experiencing a total renewal... a rebirth. There are 3 [i]Activations in total:

iSelf Upgrade [i]Activation

Feel new qualities - never before on earth - of the Pleiadian and Orion Consciousness . Feel the potential of the new human within you as you’re being reborn in a new Universe NOW.

Cosmic Triad Upgrade [i]Activation

Experience the Consciences of the iFeminine, iMasculine and iChild as never felt before on Earth. It offers you a new potential for renewal and a new beginning. You will be certain a New Universe is here.

Innate (Body) Upgrade [i]Activation

Upgrade you physical and etheric body. Feel a cosmic shower bathing you; going from the organs, muscles … to the telomers. You are being bathed with the Consciousness, Frequency and Vibration of Universal Love ti-MaLu_uu and your Innate i No_a. A total upgrade of your DNA!

Yes I want to have this cosmic support


Cosmic [i]Proteins for your iSelf 

100% Pure & organic Cosmic iLanguage (Light Language)


Download the [i]Activations and listen to it once week for at least 3 months. After that listen to it any time you feel like having any kind of challenges processing and integrating the New Frequencies. Also when you feel you have difficulties to move forward in your own path of iEvolution.

[Ela Nea Ama] 

n1. Cosmic Confederation of Light guiding and supporting the New Human Birth. 2. 12+1 Councils of Light from the Universe & Multiverse


n 1. Cosmic Tool to support the New Human emerging.