Timalu Academy presents an original [i]Journey
The Crystalline & Rainbow Consciousness in You. Your Physical and Quantum iSelf. Your Balanced and Unique iSelf
TarMaJo-o | THE COSMOS...
•Uni Ma is everything and nothing… “Creative Source”, “Great Architect”… “Spirit”… I call it the Ultra Supra Existence
ti-Ma_Lu_uu is the gravitational force that keep •Uni Ma in perfect Cosmic order.
WHEN •Uni Ma has Intention it creates the highest state consciousness Nia Me
WHEN •Uni Ma puts Attention to Nia Me the highest essence of Being emerge eTe Ne•a
WHEN •Uni Ma visualizes eTe Ne•a as a Substance or Matter it creates Actions in form of functions
… so •Uni Ma trough the IAA Effect (Intention, Attention and Action) creates the entire Universe… Mutliverse.
As •Uni Ma has following Intention
“ the desire to experience itself in infinite possible ways…”
… The Results are AMAZING…
Space and Magnetism are born…. the iFeminine Cosmic Principle
Time and Electricity are born… the iMasculine Cosmic Principle
The Space-Time and Electromagnetism System are born… the iChild Cosmic Principle
in the infinite possibilities of THE INTENTION… YOU are born and so…
The iFeminine is alive in YOU through Your Emotions
The iMasculine is alive in YOU through Your Thoughts
The iChild is alive in YOU through Your Cosmic Body
As you can see… You are a replica of •Uni Ma the result of the IAA Effect. I call it Your iSelf
Do you want to discover the Cosmo through You… as you remember Your iSelf?
Your Quantum (Balanced and Unique) iSelf has the potential to remember, integrate and express up to 55% of your DNA.
Are you ready?
Mastering Your Quantum Body | 55a
Coming Soon Re-Launch
Mastering Your Emotions | 55b
Coming Soon Re-Launch
Mastering Your Thoughts | 55c
Coming Soon Re-Launch
Cosmic Gaia in You 7+1 (8) | 55d
The Journey of Ascension | May 20 and 21, 2023 | 188 USD
[i] n 1. Constant that describes the quality, quantity and intensity of Pure Consciousness.
[iSelf] n 1. You, in an intimate, conscious and cosmic relationship with your Soul.
[•Uni Ma] n. 1. Ultra Supra Existence 2. “Everything & nothing” simultaneously
[Ni aMe] n. 1. iUltra 2. Highest State of Consciousness.
[eTe Ne•a] n. 1. Supra [i]E 2. Supra [i]Energy 3. Highest Essence of Being
[iFeminine] (Cosmic Feminine) n 1. Cosmic Principle that allows you to process, integrate & express your Balanced iSelf. 2. State of being that allows you to be grounded, nurtured and aligned.
[iMasculine] (Cosmic Masculine) n 1. Cosmic Principle that allows you to process, integrate & express your Unique iSelf. 2. State of being that allows you to express (Inner) wisdom, trust and power.
[iChild] (Cosmic Child) n 1. Cosmic Principle that allows you to process, integrate & express your Cosmic iSelf. 2. State of being that allows you to be resourceful, co-creative and evolving.