Timalu Academy presents an original [i]Series

Become the Protagonist of this Cosmic Series!
Co-creating a New Consciousness Grid in GAIA

Uu Mie te•i•a
Voices of the Eloheim

PRESENTING: Building a New Humanity – a co-creative collective on a conscious journey
PRODUCTION: Ela Ane Amanea, Eloheim, Seraphin, Dragons, and Timalu Academy
MUSIC: Robert Haig Coxon
LEADING CAST: GAIA, YOU, and other earth, galactic, universal, and multiversal light beings

The Leading Cast in this [i]Series is GAIA and YOU...

Do You feel the call?

The Eloheim, The Dragons, and The Seraphim are now gathering a group of Souls, like you, who feel the call to join them in co-creating a CONSCIOUSNESS GRID IN GAIA for the New Human ... a New World... a New Humanity Umi Na uLa.

Your Avatar iSelf has the potential to remember, integrate, and express 99% of your DNA. Can you imagine?
The Eloheim...

an angelic group consciousness, guardians of cosmic portals, are a catalyst for the new and the builders of the universe as we know it.

The Dragons...

are Cosmic Beings ready to support our Human process of evolution. They bring within themselves cosmic attributes that the New Human is ready to iRemember.

The Seraphim...

another angelic group consciousness, guardians of the Galaxy, Universe and Multiverse.

Season 1-5 | EXPLAINED

Voices of the Eloheim
(99 S1-5)

Uu Mie te•i•a — start feeling the call to co-create the Consciousness Grid within Gaia. Begin your journey to create a New Human…a New World…a New Humanity — Umi Na uLa.

I am ready to unlock my Avatar iSelf
Uu Mie te•i•a
Voices of the Eloheim (99 S1-5)
The Key to Unveiling Your Avatar iSelf
Season 1-5 experienced | 44 USD

This could be your call to create something out of the ordinary — a call to unlock the dUr-Rna consciousness within you and Gaia.
Merge this information to open new universes, new multiverses, and your Avatar iSelf!
Ready to become the New Human, a.k.a. Umi Na uLa?

I want to start! Sign me up!
aKhu•na iLanguage
[Uu Mie te•i•a ] n 1. Co-creation of a new [i]Grid for the New Human Umi Na uLa. 2. Seeding the Umi Na uLa frequencies into our DNA and all of Gaia’s grids. 3. Cosmic embryonic support for the New Human emerging.
[Umi Na uLa ] n 1. Humanity's cosmic plan. 2. The New Human, New Humanity, New Universe. 3. Creation code (144+441)+1 (145).
[i]Activation n 1. Transmission of specific vibration, frequency, and/or consciousness to harmonize your iSelf in order to cleanse, transform, and either awaken dormant frequencies or activate new kinds of [i]Information within.
Season 1


— Uncover the frequencies, vibrations, and consciousness of the 12+1 (13) [i]Disks.

Sign Me up for Season 1 | Free Event
THE ONE WITH THE [i]Disks (99c)
12+1 (13) [i]DISKS [i]ACTIVATIONS

The Crystalline and Rainbow Consciousness in You. Your physical and quantum Self. Your Balanced and Unique iSelf.

  • iRemembering ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt. Activations occur under Pyramids around GAIA.
  • Harmonizing the Cosmic Principles of the iFeminine and iMasculine within to create the Yin-Yang effect in You and in the World.
  • Discover your Balance iSelf and Unique iSelf.
  • Preparing the anchoring of the iChild Cosmic Principle in a Planetary way. The Merging of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Uu Mie te•i•a
Voices of the Eloheim (99 C)
12+1 (13) [i]Disks [i]Activations
Remembering from ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis & Agartha.
Season 1 | FREE

Remember the first ingredient of Uu Mie te•i•a, and how you brought it on Earth in times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Agartha.

I am ready to remember!

Season 1 | 12+1 (13) [i]Disk Activations Route

The 12+1 (13) [i]Disks are in Agartha since the times of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Pyramids around the planet were built on top.

Click in + SHOW DETAILS to see all 12+1 (13) [i]Activations


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Cozumel, Uxmal & Tulum


Easter Island

Mataveri Rano Kau, Volcano Puakatike & Volcano Terevaka


Peru / Bolivia

Machu Picchu, Ayacucho & Lake Titikaka



La Maná, Llanganates National Park, The Pyramids of Cochasqui



Nakhodka, Mount Pidan & Russky Island


United States

Elk Mountains, Santa Fe & Salt Lake City


New Zealand

Kaimanawa Forest Park, Mount Taranaki & Raglan


Scotland & United Kingdom

North Berwick Law, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park & Cairngorms National Park



Laurentian Mountains, Mc Donald Lake at Halliburton Forest & Triquet Island



Fujian Lake, The White Pyramid, Xi’an & Aohan Banner


Israel, Egypt & Jordan

The Dead Sea, Userkaf Pyramid & Petra


Japan, United States & Taiwan

Yonaguni Island, Wake Island & Yushan National Park


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pyramid of the Moon, Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Dragon

Season 2

THE ONE WITH THE Dragon Plasma [i]Fields

— uncover the frequencies of the 12 + 1 (13) Plasma [i]Fields. Become a conscious activator around the World. Support the upgrading of your human DNA.

THE ONE WITH THE Dragon Plasma [i]Fields (99d)

The Plasma Consciousness in You. Your Cosmic (Multi-D) iSelf.

  • iRemembering future times - first time on Earth. The activations occur under Volcanoes around GAIA.
  • Harmonizing the Cosmic Principle of the iChild (Androgynous) within to go beyond the Yin-Yang effect in You and in the World.
  • Integrate and express your Cosmic iSelf a.k.a. multidimensional self.
  • Inner earth beings and the Dragon consciousness will be leading and supporting these [i]Activations.
  • The [i]Alignments with every Equinox and Solstice.
Uu Mie te•i•a
Voices of the Eloheim (99 C)
12+1 (13) Plasma [i]Fields [i]Activations
iRemembering from future times - first time on Earth
Season 2 | FREE

Inner earth beings & the Dragon consciousness will be leading and supporting these [i]Activations.

I am ready to remember!

Season 2 | 12+1 (13) Dragon Plasma [i]Field Activations Route

Season 2 | Route of Episodes

S2:E1 Monte Erebus - Antártida | Septiembre Solsticio 2019

S2:E2 Monte Merapi - Indonesia | Marzo Equinoccio 2020 

S2:E3 Monte Etna - Italia | Junio Solsticio 2020

S2:E4 Eyjafjallajökull - Islandia | Septiembre Equinoccio 2020

S2:E5 Kīlauea, Hawaii - USA | Diciembre Solsticio  2020

S2:E6 Pitón de la Fournaise, Isla de la Reunión - Francia | Marzo Equinoccio 2021

S2:E7 Galeras - Colombia | Junio Solsticio 2021

S2:E8 Taal - Filipinas | Septiembre Equinoccio 2021

S2:E9 Sangay - Ecuador | Diciembre Solsticio 2021

S2:E10 Monte Fuji - Japón | Marzo Equinoccio 2022

S2:E11 Manaro Voui, isla de Ambae en Vanuatu | Junio Solsticio 2022

S2:E12 Monte Nyiragongo - Rep. del Congo | Septiembre Equinoccio 2022

S2:E13 Popocatepetl, Iztaccihuatl & Nevado de Toluca - México | Diciembre Solsticio 2022

Season 3


— uncover the frequencies of the 12 + 1 (13) [i]Pillars. Open the portals to infinite, multidimensional, and multiversal information around the Planet. Become a conscious pillar yourself.

Sign me Up for the Quantum Portal

S3 | THE ONE WITH THE [i]Pillars (99 I - XIII)


The dUr-Rna Consciousness in You. Your Avatar iSelf

  • iRemembering from future times - Entering [i]Energies for the first time on Earth
  • Downloading the [i]Attributes for the New Human, a New Humanity, and a New Reality
  • Get in Touch with your Avatar iSelf
  • Every time you become a [i]Pillar yourself to download and anchor 1) an Eloheim [i]Formula, 2) a Venus Cosmic [i]Imprint, and 3) an Isis [i]Code
  • The more we integrate these new frequencies, the more we will be able to discover the essence behind them.
Uu Mie te•i•a
Voices of the Eloheim (99 C)
12+1 (13) [i]Pillars [i]Activations
iRemembering from future times - Entering [i]Energies for the first time on Earth
Season 3

Downloading the [i]Attributes for the New Human, a New Humanity, and a New Reality

I am ready to remember!

Season 3 | 12+1 (13) [i]Pillars Activations Route

Season 3 | Route of Episodes

S3:E1 Ek' Balam - Mexico | iRegeneration | 11.11.11 | November 11, 2018

S3:E2 Amantani Island, Lake Titicaca – Peru | iRebirth | 21.6.12 | 3.6.3 | June 6, 2019

S3:E3 Maríuhellar Caves – Iceland | iGaia | 21.12.12 | 3.3.3 | December 21, 2019

S3:E4 Poike Volcano – Easter Island | iFreedom | 4.6.4 | June 13, 2020

S3:E5 Osirion Temple – Egypt | iCycle | 4.9.4 | September 13, 2020

S3:E6 Derinkuyu Underground City – Turkey | iPeace | 5.5.5 | May 5, 2021 

S3:E7 Ruakuri Cave, New Zealand | iCosmos | 5.10.5 | October 5, 2021

S3:E8 Mount Erongo, Dorob National Park – Namibia | iCommunication | 6.3.6 | March 6, 2022

S3:E9 Scented Pagoda – Vietnam | iCreation | 6.6.6 | June 6, 2022

S3:E10 Hill of Tara – Ireland | iKinesis | 6.9.6 | September 6, 2022

S3:E11 Arctic Ocean – North Pole | iEvolution | 7.7.7 | July 7, 2023 

S3:E12 Antarctic – South Pole | iRespurcefulness | 8.8.8 | August 8, 2024

S3:E13 Tango Gompa Monastery – Bhutan | Synergy | 9.9.9 | September 9, 2025

The Quantum Portal (99 I-IV)

Season 3 | Quantum Bundle | Voices of the Eloheim

Uu Mie te•i•a | THE ONE WITH THE QUANTUM PORTAL is a doorway allowing YOU and humanity to evolve from a more physical, lineal, consciousness to a quantum awareness. A door to ascend from a Physical/Lineal Self to a Quantum Self. Do you feel the call?

The Cosmic Portal (99 V-VIII)

Season 3 | Cosmic Bundle | Voices of the Eloheim

Uu Mie te•i•a | THE ONE WITH THE COSMIC PORTAL is a doorway allowing YOU and humanity to evolve from a more physical, lineal, consciousness to a quantum awareness. A door to ascend from a Physical/Lineal Self to a Quantum Self. Do you feel the call?
Season 4

THE ONE WITH THE Planetary [i]Events

— uncover the different layers of the Blueprint for a New Humanity that will remove any barriers that come in your way to self-discovery as an Avatar iSelf.

I am ready to start! Sign me up for the Cosmic Alignment

S4 | THE ONE WITH THE Planetary [i]Events (99)


The Universal...Multiversal ... Omniversal Consciousness in You. Your Co-creative iSelf

  • Downloading the  [i]Tools, a.k.a. consciousness devices, system, and principles, for the New Human, a New Humanity and a New Reality.
  • Downloading the 3+1 (4) [i]Blueprints for the New Human, a New Humanity and a New Reality.
  • ds

Season 4 | Route of Episodes

S4:E1 Portoroz, Slovenia | [i]Blueprint for the New Humanity - The Beginning | PART 1 | April 18th-21st, 2019

S4:E2 Ocotitlán, Mexico | Interstellar [i]Antenna for the New Humanity | November 16 -17th, 2019

S4:E3 Mt Etna - Sicily,Italy | [i]Activating the dUr-Rna consciousness on Earth | June 20 -21th, 2020

S4:E4 Ocotitlán, Mexico | [i]Blueprint for the New Humanity - The dUr-Rna Consciousness | PART 2 | September11th-13th, 2020

S4:E5 Switzerland | [i]Blueprint for the New Humanity - The Lyra Consciousness  | PART 3 | 11st-12nd March, 2022

S4:E6 Pyramids in Bosnia | [i]Blueprint for the New Humanity - The aKhu•na Consciousness | PART 4 | 2024

Blueprint for the New Humanity | S4:E1 Voices of the Eloheim

Cosmic [i]Co-creations with Friends

Join 1550 Souls from around the Worlds as we download the New Blueprint for a New Humanity. With Stargate (Julieanne, Prageet y Robert Haig Coxon.
Season 5


— uncover the songs that will help you and humanity evolve and ascend. Spread the joy.

Follow us in Timalu TV (YouTube Channel)
S5 | THE ONE WITH THE [i]Choir (99)

Harmonize anger, joy & innocence in you and for the World

Tu-Ri SSane [i]SONG S5:E1 Ek' Balam - Mexico | iRebirth

Change your energy field into ONENESS as you sing along

Be U Be Love [i]SONG Season 5 : THE ONE WITH THE [i]Choir

Ground your human experience to discover Cosmic Gaia in You.

Ana'a Anamaká [i]SONG Voices of the Eloheim | Season 5

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