The aKhu•na Cosmic Year [I]Cycle:
An Inner Journey Beyond Time

ALMANAC for a the New Human, Umi Na uLa

Embrace the Dance of the Cosmos: Awaken Your New Human Essence

Cosmic Synchronicity Awaits: Umi Na uLa's Path to Ascension

Join a three-day cosmic convergence—an inner retreat like no other. Embark on a journey of alignment, not just within the confines of your earthly existence but with the infinite expanse of the cosmos itself.

Awaken to the magic of universal synchronicity and co-create a reality where every day is a celestial celebration.

Step beyond the confines of linear time. Say "YES!" to embracing the cosmic cycle and embark on an interdimensional journey that elevates your reality, memory, and consciousness…Ela Ane Amanea
Have you ever paused to ponder the roots of the word “Calendar"?

"Calendar" (n.), derived from the Latin *calendarium*, an account book, originates from *calendae/kalendae*, the calends. This marked the first day of the Roman month, a time when debts were settled and accounts balanced.

Now, Imagine aligning your live to the natural ebb and flow of celestial cycles.

Why bind yourself to the cycle of bills, taxes, and debts, when there's a universe out there inviting us to dance to a different rhythm? Why not align our months, weeks, and days with the pulsating heart of Gaia and the celestial choreography of astrological cycles? Is there not a whisper in your soul, questioning if there's a more harmonious way to exist?

The answer resonates through the cosmos: Yes, there is! .

It's time to transcend the ordinary, to cease the endless planning and step into the boundless realm of co-creation with the galaxy, the universe, and the multiverse itself.

Enjoy a life where synchronicity is not just an occasional surprise but a daily delight, where each moment is a serendipitous dance with your deepest essence and the rhythms of the cosmos in ONENESS.

This Cosmic Year aKhu•na [i]Cycle is for You!

This event is in English and Spanish


Hi, I'm Lilly Wong
Cosmic Doula for a New Human

The arrival of dUr-Rna in 2019 marked a new epoch, inviting us to transcend time's limits and co-create with the cosmos.

Through my own journey, I've witnessed the profound impact of aligning with the cosmic cycle. It has opened my heart and spirit to the endless possibilities of existence, beyond the limitations of time as we know it. It has taught me the true meaning of synchronicity—not just as concept, but as a lived, daily experience.

SYNCHRONICITY: “Little miracles happening in every second of your life, as you surrender to the cosmic flow of ALL.”

Together, we will explore the mysteries of the 12+1 (13) months cycle, attune our beings to the cosmic codes, and awaken to the guidance of the multiverse.

This journey is an opportunity for you to vibrate the New Human dUr-Rna DNA, to live in harmony with the dance of creation, and to embody the Christ consciousness that resides within you.

It's a call to ascend, to evolve, and to become the most authentic expression of your cosmic soul. Umi Na uLa,

How will this course benefit you?
Cosmic Perks Include:
  • Synchronicity in Your Daily Life: Experience the magic of aligning with cosmic flow, where every moment is a serendipitous encounter.
  • Deeper Evolution and Ascension: Engage in a profound process of growth and elevation, unlocking new dimensions of your being.
  • Awareness of Cosmic Co-creation: Gain insight into the universal impulses driving creation, and learn how to harmonize with them.
  • Expression of Your Cosmic Soul: Discover and manifest the higher expressions of your soul, in unity with Gaia and the cosmos.

Are you ready to vibrate the multidimensional expression of a New Humankind on Earth?

I am ready



$ USD 77

  • Instant Access
  • Watch 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime



$ USD 39 /month

  • Two monthly payments.
  • Instant Access To Just this Course
  • Watch 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Here's What to Expect:

This course invites you to step out of a linear-thinking life towards a multidimensional one.

You will:

  • Discover the 12+1 (13) Cosmic Months: Unravel the mysteries of this sacred cycle and its significance in your journey.
  • Align with the Cosmic Rhythms: Learn to navigate through the 28-day months, 4-week cycles, and 7-day rhythms, attuning to the natural order.
  • Activating Light-Language Sounds: Receive 13 powerful activations to tune your being to the cosmic codes and frequencies.
  • Guidance from Multiversal Beings: Benefit from the wisdom and support of entities from Earth, Inner-earth, the Universe, and beyond.
  • Access to the Online Annual Almanac: A digital guide to navigate the cosmic year, tailored to your journey of ascension and synchronicity.
Helping thousands of cosmic visionaries from around the world discover their cosmic soul potential

“Thanks to the encounter with the aKhu•na Language, through Lilly Wong, I understood the truth of my inner voice and guidance, which has accompanied me since I arrived in Gaia.”

Jovisa Sandoval Mexico

“I appreciate Lilly Wong’s presence on the planet. Her precious sharings are an immense support for all those who wish to  cross the bridge into the vibrational field of the new Earth” 

Marco Missinato Italy

“No doubt Lilly is a very special being, with her joy and availability to guide us to discover the mysteries and beauties of our soul.”

Ramayash Katia Brazil
The aKhun•a Cosmic Year [i]Cycle
Your New Cosmic Almanac
Technology aKhu•na 12+1 (13)

Welcome to the threshold of transformation. As you embrace the aKhu•na Cosmic Year [I]Cycle, you're not just joining a course; you're stepping into a cosmic dance that redefines your very essence as a New Human.

Frequently Asked Questions
No, you don’t need any prior knowledge to take the course – everybody is welcome!
To sign up for the course, simply click here, and follow the instructions. To log in once you have already signed up, please follow the instructions we have compiled for you here.
The activations you will experience at the event are frequencies. This means they will be interacting with your unique essence by reading your energetics, Akashic Records, and DNA to give you what your soul needs.
You will also have access to a closed Telegram community, where you can ask questions, share your thoughts, and meet like-minded souls.
If your soul has led you here, I am sure you will love the course. But, if you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you can get a full refund. To be eligible, you need to contact me before downloading any files and within 24 hours after your purchase.
No, you do not need to speak both languages. In fact, it can be helpful if you do not. The purpose of the course being held in both English and Spanish lies beyond merely making it accessible in two languages. The main idea is that, when you listen to a language you do not know, you learn to ‘listen’ to the energy behind the words instead of relying on their familiar meanings. This is also a great preparation for opening yourself up to the cosmic messages I share through light language and codes. So all you need is an open heart and mind.
It is a 3 Day- Event (inner retreat). As you will have lifetime access to the course, you will have all the time you need to process, harmonize, and integrate its content. You can review everything at your own pace.
Everything you will need will be provided as part of the course.
Once I receive your payment, you will have lifetime access to your event
Once you download any files, refunds will no longer be possible. If you wish to cancel your purchase, please contact me within 24 hours after your purchase and before downloading any course material.
Please contact us at: support@timaluacademy,com