Cosmic T.t.A. Suit [i]Activation

Are You Ready to Activate THREE layers of the Cosmic Suit to Feel MORE Grounded and Stronger, While Ultimately Being Unified, Clarified, and Expanded…

... furthermore enjoy a mental, emotional, physical, and energetic upgrade?! 

If you are ready to show up the BEST way for yourself to reach your authentic power and lean into your true Cosmic SELF… this is for you. 

Are you a conscious soul looking for ways to…

  • Stay grounded throughout every aspect of your life (in a secular world that can try to shake you).
  • Upgrade your DNA to truly be in touch with your cosmic soul (without feeling like an imposter in your body).
  • Open up your channeling abilities in resonance with light beings from other dimensions (to connect with ALL your lives) .

… because if so —you should keep reading.

With These 3 Cosmic T.t.A. Suit [i]Activations,

You’ll Be Able to Experience Your Consciousness Throughout Any…

  • Time
  • Place
  • Circumstance

… and I’m guiding you through it all!

Hello New Human! I am Lilly, (re)activator of the Cosmic T.t.A. [i]Suit.. Years ago, I was called to support this world's intuitive, aware, and visionaries--the “Black Sheep,” if you will. My mission here is to help you remember, activate, and integrate your FULL Cosmic Soul’s (iSelf) potential without letting the limits of this Earthly world stop you.

With this cosmic present, you’ll be able to go beyond the Impossible as we all together support Humanity's ascension towards a New Reality and Dimension.

Messages from the Dolphins, Eloheim, and Pleiadians

Dolphin Consciousness: "This Suit allows you to travel beyond Time and Space, it allows you to receive and send cosmic messages throughout the Universe and Multiverse. Be careful to consciously choose the intention behind any of the messages". TarMaJo-o

Eloheim Consciousness: "This Suit is made with Cosmic Love and care for Humanity, it can give you strength in those moments when you feel sorrow, pain or anxiety. It has been created for the highest purpose of all. And at this time it helps to dilute any kind of conscious or unconscious resistance. Use it for yourself and others" ti-MaLu_uu 

Pleiadian Consciousness: "This Suit reminds you of all the gifts we have sown here on Earth for you. It helps you to re-align yourself with Gaia's crystalline centre, the consciousness grids, all the energy systems that you already know, but also those that you will eventually get to know. Use it to recognize yourself as one with GAIA". Ana'a Anamaká

Upgrade investment

Prices in USD


Book the complete “Cosmic T.t.A. Suit” program for

133$ 155$

1. FIRST Activation – Your Physical Self (Your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body)

2. SECOND Activation – Your Quantum Self (Your energy field)

3. THIRD Activation – Your Multidimensional Self (Your consciousness field)

4. FOURTH Activation – Your Avatar Self | Your multiversal field

5. Come to the 6 practice Meetings with the co-creators


ONE Cosmic [i]Suit, Three Activations.

(Click here if you’re ready to register)

Not sure if this is for you yet? I get it. Here’s a more profound look into the transformations you could be making: 

T.t.A. [i]Effect

Have you ever found something so good, you wanted to share it with the whole world? 

The T.t.A. [i]Effect  vibrates, resonates, and integrates even the SMALLEST particles of life throughout the ENTIRE universe… multiverse.

Here are some of the iSelf benefits you’ll receive from this [i]Effect: 

  • Stronger energy field to strengthen YOU. 
  • Broadened field of consciousness to see, feel, and understand MORE 
  • Allows you to step OUT of a linear life INTO your timeless Being 
  • Enhances EVERY other training or energetic technique you’ve EVER used

TarMaJo-o [i]Effect 

With this, you’re able to support the transcendence of your Linear Self to your Multidimensional Self — beyond Time (MEMORY) and Space. 

This is the Cosmic Consciousness Matrix, a holographic representation of SpaceTime(Memory) structure and electromagnetism, and ultimately the foundation of “Matter” and the Cosmic [i]Blueprints. 

ti-MaLu_uu [i]Effect 

You’ll allow the energy of Universal Cosmic Love to manifest in and through you — sharing this Love — beyond our earthly understanding, with not only yourself but for everybody and everything else. 

Your intuition, inner voice, and innate will communicate louder and more transparent with You. As a result, you’ll be able to release any resistance, conscious or unconscious, and change your life within Cosmic order. 

Ana’a Anamaká [i]Effect 

Lastly, you will learn to align your human experience with Mother Earth, unlocking Cosmic Gaia inside YOU! This allows you to feel grounded, one with Gaia, and enjoy your life endlessly on Earth.

Do you want to transcend Matter, Energy, and Consciousness to merge with your Cosmic Soul??

  • This [i]Event is perfect for you!

  • You’ll be able to accomplish each of these effects, which will set you up to overcome ANY challenge in your day-to-day life in the NOW.

Are you curious about how this [i]Suit event works?

  • You will enjoy THREE [i]Suit Activations:

  • 1. Physical [i]Activation. First time activated in Times of Lemuria when we evolved into the Human Being as we know it.

  • 2. Quantum [i]Activation. Activated in Golden Egyptian Times, before the arrival of the Pharaohs. Here began the DNA mutation to the Potential of Christ-Crystalline Human Being.

  • 3. Cosmic [i]Activation. Being activated now since 2019. It supports the profound changes of our DNA into becoming a Multidimensional-Plasma Human Beings.


"During the activations I’ve connected with all my lives. I’ve embraced, forgiven and released in all my mirrors of experiences... until I could embrace my heart, where golden light goes out from it until I dissolve in the Multiverse with the Great Consciousness." Cristina Salas, España

"Loving emptiness: I was able through using the suit to reach the sensation of an emptiness full of love, without any other sensation, only the here and now, it fills you and expands you." Maria Ramirez, Mexico

"I've loved the experience! I have taken the course later on not live, since it took me a while to decide to take it. But I have to say that as I was listening, I said, yes, yes, yes, it is now, this is what I need!" Cleo Perez, Islas canarias


The THREE COSMIC INGREDIENTS | TarMaJo-o ti-MaLu_uu Ana'a Anamaká | T.t.A. [i]Suit Testimonials

So, it’s up to you… Are you ready to trigger your powers and unlock your new life?

→ Click the button below if you’re ready to wear your Cosmic [i]Suit and upgrade your DNA...forever. ←