iRemembering your Omega, Oneness and Gaia State of Being 

Discover your non-lineal Self beyond Time and State ... the TarMajo-o Effect

Discover your Cosmic Universal Love Self from the Center of everything and nothing ... the ti-MaLu_uu Effect

Discover Cosmic Gaia in You as you expand your Human experience... the Ana'a Anamaká Effect

Prepare you Self towards Mastering your Physical,  Quantum & Cosmic iSelf as you create the future in the now.

As a Cosmic Council of Light  Ela Ane Amanea have given me many [i]Tools for this purpose to support You. 

Doesn't it sounds amazing? 


Lilly )*(

Cosmic [i]Event | Introduction

Join anytime, having the experience always in the Now.

This Cosmic [i]Event is in English.


LET's Co-create a New Cosmic [i]Event together! 

[i]Event for YOU

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[i] n 1. Constant, that describes the quality, quantity and intensity of Pure Consciousness.

[iSelf] n 1. You, in an intimate, conscious and cosmic relationship with your Soul.

[iRemember] v 1. to Process, Integrate and Express [i]Information within your iSelf beyond space, time or dimension.

[Ela Ane Amanea] n 1. Consciousness Cosmic Council of light guiding and supporting the Birth of the New Human. 2. 12+1 Councils of Light from the Universe & Multiverse.

[i]Tools n 1. Pure [Ultra] Consciousness technology to support the process of transition towards a New Reality.

[iLanguage] n 1. Cosmic Light Language 2. Cosmic Open Source Code that allows us to download and upload. 3. The Language of Ni a Me (Pure Consciousness.

[iCodes]  n 1. iLanguage in form of Symbol, Color & Geometry. 2. The most tangible from of the iLanguage. 3. Cosmic [i]Information in a physical manifestation.

Cosmic [i]Event | INTRODUCTION



    2. FOREWORD 02 | SUPPORT | Co-Creative [i]Videobook

    3. FOREWORD 03 | Q&A

    4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS | Timalu Academy Terms of Use

    1. 01.01 | Your Cosmic [i]Tools- Print before watching the Video

    2. 01.02 | Your Personal Wisdom [i]Book | Print before watching the Video

    1. 02.01 | Introduction to the Cosmos in You

    2. 02.02 | The Cosmic [i]Tools: The Gaia, Omega and Oneness Effect | Ana'a Anamaká, TarMajo-o, ti-MaLu_uu | PART 1

    3. 02.03 | The Cosmic [i]Tools: The Gaia, Omega and Oneness Effect | Ana'a Anamaká, TarMajo-o, ti-MaLu_uu | PART 2

    1. 03.01 | Download your Ana'a Anamaká, TarMajo-o and ti-MaLu_uu Suit [i]Activation

    2. 03.02 | Download your Bee iCode alone and within the Cosmic [i]Matrix

    1. 04.01 | NEXT STEPS - You want to continue the Journey... here some options

    1. 05.01 | We appreciate your TIME and your CREATIVE collaboration.

About this experience

  • $11.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Do you want more? Here the NEXT 2 experiences "The Cosmos in You":

The Cosmos in You [i]Journey

Volume 1 & 2

The Crystalline & Rainbow Consciousness in You. Your Physical and Quantum Self. Your Balanced and Unique iSelf